Dagmara Zaczeniuk

In my paintings I try to convey my subjective reality. I am talking about how I will take back the world in which I live. I am trying to convey my little philosophy of life, to capture the things that I feel. I’m painting the dreams, the dualism of things, lifes and persons, the energy that flow behind everything. I belive that nothing is only black and white – is always gray. Things are never what they seem to be. I try to capture  this aspect in my paintings.

I want to tell some kind of story in each painting that will be different for everyone when they look at it. I want the viewer to find in my paintings their own story, their own reality. I strive to make the picture speak to the viewer, leave a trace in him, so that the picture will be not indifferent to him.

The most beautiful in my opinion is that the picture can speak. Evoke emotions, memories, ideas. It is this dialogue between the work of art and the recipient that is important to me.